Stop the disconnect and start building an environment based on common understanding, collaboration and personal effectiveness.

Bring Your Team Together Like Never Before



Even though you’ve hired rockstar players, you’re getting lackluster participation as the team struggles to cross the finish lines successfully. Maybe it’s a new problem caused by team members becoming more geographically dispersed (hello work from home), or maybe it feels deeper than that, like team members are fundamentally disagreeing on the best way to execute on both the day-to-day and big picture.

Your Team is Struggling to Connect


Using tools backed by neuroscience, we’ll help your team discover the root cause of the issues that are keeping them fragmented, while also unlocking their hidden potential by showing them how to best work together.

In the end, you’ll be able to bring to your team what they are craving most: connection and personal satisfaction.

By helping your team members first understand themselves - and then each other - you can shift this dynamic.

Work with us to create a specific learning path for your team or organization that includes team training and leadership development in the form of bespoke workshops, interactive team trainings and one-on-one coaching. Below is a sample of topics we cover; we customize all workshops to meet your specific needs.

Work with us to create a specific learning path for your team or organization.

Corporate Training Solutions

Understand how to adapt your behavior to better connect with colleagues

Identify your strengths, areas for growth and communication tendencies

Learn the Insights Discovery personality traits and communication styles

Self-Awareness with Insights Discovery Training


Identify strategies to create more personal fulfillment

Complete a burnout self-assessment 

Understand the core dilemma that leads to burnout and overwhelm

Overcoming Burnout & Overwhelm


Practice tools and techniques for regaining confidence

Identify personal “triggers” for these feelings 

Learn why these internal obstacles come up

Getting Out Of Your Own Way: What to Do When Imposter Syndrome, Self-Doubt and Perfectionism Take Over

TOPIC three

Learn how to effectively schedule time without burnout or overwhelm

Understand what gets in the way of following through 

Conduct a time and task audit 

Make it Happen: How to Do the Things You Say You’re Going to Do


Whether you can name it or not, these interpersonal dynamics are already happening in the workplace - they just come off more as gossip. When we give team members a common language we can reshape the dynamic to be positive and productive.

Create a Common Language

Give individual team members the opportunity to get to know themselves better so that they can perform their best. The best part? Once they come to understand themselves, they will also come to understand others on their team and appreciate their differences.

Align Your Team to a Common Goal

Align your team toward the projects they are already working on as they learn to leverage the strengths of each team member and practice adapting their workstyles to collaborate effectively with one another. Each individual has an important role to fulfill, and when they embrace it you can accelerate your success.

Increase Personal Effectiveness

Through any of these services, you can expect to...




"Over two years, I have had the opportunity to attend a number of facilitated meetings and team trainings led by Emily on a variety of topics ranging from personal development to thorny team dynamics at a rapidly growing startup.

In each instance, I've seen Emily's strengths—her content is clear and actionable, she is poised and articulate, and she has an innate ability to connect with and command an audience. She is able to read rooms and individuals quickly, allowing her to adjust her presentation style and delivery to ensure her groups are engaged and, most importantly, able to understand and retain the information.

Emily is truly a natural teacher, that I am lucky to have learned from."

Meghan, Head of Global Communications, New York

“Emily continuously offers me fresh perspectives in areas where I have been stuck and confused. She has an intellectual sharpness that I value and find stimulating yet it is her gentle presence that offers me the deepest source of support. If you are looking for someone who can meet you where you are with unconditional love and compassion yet offer you truth and insight when you need it, look no further. Emily is the coach you want in your corner...the one who will help you get things moving towards the life you have always wanted.”

Bridgett, Facilitator, Florida

“I highly recommend working with Emily. She has a gentle, loving presence, and she also has the rare gift of being direct without being harsh in the slightest. The tools and frameworks she offers are very helpful for understanding the WHY behind our behaviors, and makes changing those behaviors practical and surprisingly easy. I'd recommend her to anyone!”

Iris M, Life Coach, California




"I've seen Emily's strengths—her content is clear and actionable, she is poised and articulate, and she has an innate ability to connect with and command an audience. She is able to read rooms and individuals quickly, allowing her to adjust her presentation style and delivery to ensure her groups are engaged and, most importantly, able to understand and retain the information."

Meghan, Head of Global Communications, New York

"Emily has always stood out to me as one of those people who are always watching...seeing more than most people in a room. She is perceptive and intuitive while also equipped with a grounding presence that translates on the receiving end as stability and deep care."

Bridgett, Facilitator, Florida

“[Emily] has a gentle, loving presence, and she also has the rare gift of being direct without being harsh in the slightest. The tools and frameworks she offers are very helpful for understanding the WHY behind our behaviors, and makes changing those behaviors practical and surprisingly easy.”

Iris M, Life Coach, California

Reach out to us via our contact form and we'll reach out for a no-pressure consultation call to discuss how we can support your workplace in reaching it's full potential.

Interested in creating these results for your team?