For many successful individuals, their work lives are “fine” on paper but don’t spark any passion, creativity or joy on a regular basis. In fact, only 36% of women say they feel like they’re following their dreams, and over 60% of professionals are rethinking their careers this year.
So how do you know if it’s time to shift your career, or if this is just a phase that will pass? Whether you are going through an unexpected layoff or simply hitting the pause button to reflect on where you are professionally, here are three revealing signs that you’re ready to redefine your work life.
What to do about it: Step one is to notice these thoughts. And they are just that – thoughts, not facts. That’s a critical distinction. Because if we believe that our reality is unchangeable, then we will find ways to prove that to be true. But if we can start to create a little separation between facts (i.e. I’ve been at my current role for four years) and thoughts (i.e. I can’t leave this role after all they’ve invested in me), then we create an opening for new possibilities to come in.
What to do about it: Shift your mindset so you can take action. We overthink when we believe that we don’t know what to do next. Tell yourself that you‘re willing to take the next step in figuring out what makes you feel alive at work, and that you’ll have your back no matter what happens. Read: you will not beat yourself up! What is the right first step in redefining your job? The one you decide to take.
What to do about it: Make the Venn diagram (or just write a list). Who are you today? What lights you up? What drains your energy? How do you like to interact with people? What environments do you thrive in? When you’re happy, what are you doing and who is around you? Take a look at where your core identity lands in each category. Then decide (and trust the part of you that knows) if this is how you want to balance your work and personal lives.
If you are questioning your career, this can be a wonderful opportunity to reflect on where you are in life. Don’t let the moment pass you by. This doesn’t mean you need to quit your job. Once you get clear on what you want, you can create new opportunities in both work and life that will lead to overall fulfillment and satisfaction.
There’s no upside to lingering in confusion. Life gets a lot better when you’re connected to your ambition and confidence. Wouldn’t it be great to start feeling that way now?
If you’re stirring about next steps, let’s connect (click here).
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