If you are regularly exercising, journaling, meditating, or doing other similar practices and you are still feeling stuck and frustrated – it’s likely a sign there is something deeper that needs healing.
While mindfulness practices have significant benefits, there’s only so much that can be transformed if we never do the work to reset the parts of us that need healing first.
It’s a lot like trying to take Advil for a broken leg. It’s not going to make the pain worse, but it won’t ever fully heal the break either.
Personal transformation is similar.
For most of my 30’s I tried to self-diagnose what was making me feel lost and hopeless. I created endless wellness routines and self-care practices – which were not wrong per se, but they barely scratched the surface for the kind of change I wanted to have in my life.
The one thing that made the biggest difference for me was, and still is, one-on-one support in coaching. Having a skilled practitioner guide me through what I was thinking, feeling, and experiencing was a total game changer.
It helped me see parts of myself that were hidden from view. It provided clarity about where I was on my path, and where I wanted to go (not just where I thought I “should” go).
I started to let go of the belief that I had to constantly do more, work harder to be someone different.
And began to learn how to listen to that quiet voice inside and trust myself. One small micro action at a time.
No one gave me a blueprint for how to be me. But they gave me permission and space to get to know, and begin to actualize, the person I always knew I wanted to be.
This is a big reason why I love coaching clients one-on-one.
Catch Workplace Coaching & Consulting helps teams coast-to-coast go from sinking to synced.
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